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  • Time is TBD
    Time is TBD
    Facebook, Whatsapp, Website
    We have sent out some of these beautiful little crochet items for you to find. We hope you can take some photos of them and Whatsapp, inbox or email us a photo and location to see how far they travel.
  • Time is TBD
    Relocating to our final destination.
    Time is TBD
    Cantley, Cantley, Norwich, UK
    Support us through gofundme in order to get us to our final destination and build our long overdue site!
  • Wed, 01 Apr
    Travel plans for shaun
    01 Apr 2020, 19:00
    Unfortunately due to Covid19 the plans for shauns travel we suspect will be postponed. We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who donated we reached £400 and this will be put towards the costs to build medical caging for the new medical room. Stay safe guys!
  • Sun, 29 Mar
    Follow the man in the van on his trip around the UK
    29 Mar 2020, 19:00 – 30 Apr 2020, 23:00
    Location is TBD
    Hello 👋 Im working on a massive trip living out my van for a month raising money for a fantastic local wildlife rescue. I know your probably going to ignore this but please take 2 seconds of your time to check out my YouTube channel and my go fund me page £1 goes a long way
  • Sun, 15 Mar
    Man travels the coast to raise money for RWR
    15 Mar 2020, 19:00 – 30 Apr 2020, 23:00
    Location is TBD
    Young man called Shaun, is travelling around the UK's coast looking at wildlife and doing some voluntary work while camping in his temperamental van to raise money for charity.
  • Thu, 05 Dec
    Pub Quiz to raise money for RWR
    05 Dec 2019, 18:00
    Great Yarmouth, Great Yarmouth, UK
    Prize of £200 and bonus jackpot.
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