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​What we would like you to learn from our woodland walk;

  • We'd like you to explore different habitats (grassland, woodland, meadow) to find out about the plants and animals that live there

  • Learn more about parts of plants and their functions; and requirements for growth and how they then become food and shelter for other animals.

  • Search for, and identify and classify invertebrates using our Eye spy worksheets

  • To find out where food comes from by looking at the vegetable plots, orchard and herb garden where you can tend to and plant seeds or harvest foods and present them to the appropriate animals for feeding. 

  • Understand the important role of bees as pollinators of our crops by visiting our beehives

  • Investigate food chains, life cycles and adaptation

  • Play, bring a packed lunch and just relax and enjoy the walk.

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  3. Image by Piotr Łaskawski
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  6. Image by Sarah Bliss
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  20. Image by Vincent van Zalinge
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